
Dr Laura Eggleton

Senior Clinical Psychologist

About Dr Laura Eggleton

I am a Senior Clinical Psychologist, registered with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC), who has worked in the NHS for over 10 years. Over this time I have worked with both adults and children across a variety of settings, with people experiencing a range of psychological and emotional difficulties. For example, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, trauma and, with people who might attract a diagnosis of personality disorder.

My training in Clinical Psychology has equipped me with the ability to practice across a number of therapeutic models including, cognitive analytic therapy (CAT), compassion focussed therapy (CFT), cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), schema therapy, mindfulness and systemic approaches. I have undertaken further training in both CAT and EMDR. However, the use of psychological model is influenced by the early sessions with new clients, and sessions are tailored to meet their individual needs and therapeutic goals.


In my current NHS role (which I work in alongside my work with Insight), I am the Clinical Lead for an Intensive Intervention and Risk Management Service (IIRMS). In this role I am responsible for providing specialist psychology input into the service by developing and implementing the clinical service model, alongside
providing consultation and supervision to staff groups working with people with complex difficulties and early trauma. I have previously worked for Adult Psychology and Psychotherapy services where alongside individual therapy a significant part of my role was to facilitate psychological groups. I also enjoy teaching and training and regularly provide development sessions or training for staff, including the National Probation Service as well as delivering teaching on the Doctorate of Clinical Psychology at the University of Leeds.

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  • Eating disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Personality difficulties
  • Trauma
  • Attachment issues
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Challenging behaviour and risk


  • Cognitive Analytic Therapy
  • Compassion Focused Therapy
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing)


Cognitive Analytic Therapy Practitioner (2018 with Catalyse)
EMDR level 1-3 (2015 EMDR Extra)
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (2013)
Bsc Psychology with Criminology (2003).

Appointment Availability

Tuesdays: 5pm to 7pm
Saturdays: 9am to 12pm