Resources for Medical Professionals

NHS Commissioned Services

The Team at Insight Eating & Insight Health have been commissioned by a number of CCGs to complete various projects eg wide-scale mapping exercises in Yorkshire.

We have a number of specialists who have significant research and auditing experience as well as high level knowledge and expertise on service planning, development and implementation of national guidance.

Current Projects

We are excited to be leading on a number of Projects supporting the implementation of national guidance in co-production with commissioners and people who have experienced disordered eating.

We encourage NHS Providers to contact the Team to discuss Pilots and Projects from a clinical systems /pathway perspective and also on an individualised clinical basis.

Accessing Second Opinion

Specialists at Insight are available to offer an expert second opinion on a range of complex conditions. We can offer both face to face and online assessments; multi-disciplinary liaison and consultation.

We are regularly asked to provide an expert opinion on complex cases where there is lack of clarity around diagnosis, high levels of risk, hospital admissions etc.


Insight Eating & Insight Health Directors and associates have current availability for supervision.

Supervision is available for clinical psychologists; psychological therapists; cognitive behaviour therapists and dietitians. Individual practitioners also offer specific modality and intervention supervision eg CAT; ACT; DBT; mindfulness; CBT-ED; CBT-AR; eclectic approaches etc

Training and Development

We have launched an exciting programme of webinars delivered on line specifically for dietitians.

Please check out our blog and Instagram page for the latest training programme.

Reviews of training:

“Presenters are experts in this area (DBT and Eating Disorders) and they made this training so accessible and it has really opened my ideas with some of my most poorly patients. Thank you so much. Janet”